Saturday, October 31, 2009

Pumpkin Carving - Happy Halloween!

Pumpkins 2009

Group Shot
We had a wonderful pumpkin carving party last night! Michael, Jake, Ashley, Nicole, Krikor, Sammi and Mike joined us for an evening of pumpkin carving and old horror movie watching. The photos are with my new camera...we're still learning about it and I'm looking forward to using it in daylight...

Pumpkin Carving
Digging in.

Pumpkin carving 2
Mike gets gross.

Sammi sorting seeds
Sammi sorts the seeds (she couldn't find a pumpkin before coming...)

Pensive Pumpkin Carving
A lot of thought went into the designs.

Looking Good
We're making progress here :D
A pic with Silva

Carving Clouds

All in a Row - pumpkins finished
They all turned out terrific!

Roasted Pumpkin Seeds
With the five pumpkins we carved we ended up with about two pounds of pumpkin seeds - Yay! Since Krikor wasn't carving a pumpkin, he did the honor of roasting up some yummy pumpkin seeds. We still have about 6 cups of seeds left to roast, so I think I will try out some other pumpkin seed seasonings...

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